Pour Me Out


A while ago I heard a message from Martin Scott that summarised my feeling on the future of the ekklesia: it's not about bringing ‘the world’ into the ‘church’, it's about the ‘church’ being poured out into ‘the world’.  

Followers of The Way walk different paths in different traditions.  All we can do is seek to be faithful to what we've been given.  However, there seems a wider movement at play at this time which makes sense of why there are many who are ‘done’ with church, though not done with Christ.  I still believe in the task and the power of the ekklesia, but its shape and definition will (and should) be very different in the future.

This song is an interpretation of that message: an urgent reminder of our need to listen; to sow and empty ourselves out, wherever that leads and whatever it costs; and to know and trust the life force entrusted to us.


Pour me out, pour me out like wine
Draw a blood red line in the ground.
For every seed
Every seed must die
A muffled victory cry
That gets louder over time

Break me out of the walls we've made,
Out of the beauty parades and holy games;
Sound the cry;
There's a world outside 
That needs your heart and mind,
And your blood upon the ground

Take me out, break me open wide 
So that the colours shine without fear.
For every child
Has a jewel inside
We must never hide,
But release into the wild

Send me out, with wounds that heal,
With a heart that feels the dirt and pain;
For what's inside
Won't get sick or die, 
But will infect and thrive,
Like a light inside the dark

So pour me out, pour me out like wine 
Draw a blood red line in the ground
For every seed
Every seed must die
A muffled victory cry
That gets louder over time

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